Friday 8 February 2013

The Lifelong habit

One of the ways to remain current, vast and relevant in the 21st century is to engage in the profitable habit of reading. I always say that "Reading takes me to the world of the Author without leaving my location". For me, that's it! In essence, you can go places, do things and know about a lot of issues, trends and topics by just reading a book! - a piece of literature.
When we read, we are cultivating a habit that helps to improve our reading skills and sharpen our memory. Reading also exposes us to new words thereby enriching our vocabulary.
1. When reading, make yourself comfortable. A comfortable position varies from person to person.
2. Buy books: This is one of the ways to make a resolve about reading. When you buy books, you surely want to read them.
3. The Library contains several books. This will help you to choose books in various fields and topics. Visit the Library.
4. Read dailies, books, journals and other literature that is beneficial. Do not restrict yourself.
5. Always have a book around. When waiting for a flight, travelling long distances, bored, or during a free time, you can wisely use this time to read. Remember: regardless of your tight schedule, there is always a time to read.
6. Read regularly. Reading is not a one-stop activity, remember it is lifelong. Read to be relevant. Proficiency in reading can only be acquired if you continue to do it.
If you are still thinking about why you should read, take a moment to reflect on the saying "Readers are Leaders" even though this saying has been challenged by Harry S. Truman who said that "Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers". To maintain our place in leadership then, we must read and keep reading.
In the words of Elizabeth Hardwick "The greatest gift is the passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is moral illumination.
So, wouldn't you rather develop this cradle to grave habit? It’s your choice to make!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Adejoke's Sonnet!

Hey! You should find this interesting. A poem I composed In a moment of inspiration. It always keeps me going, hope it will have the same effects on you..

A moment of inspiration...

In my sad moments
I think of all my torments;

My hopes and my dreams
Flow through my mind like a stream;

And to my thoughts I cling
Thinking what tomorrow may bring;

Though there are some problems
Surely God can solve them;

It is just a process
That will bring my success;

So on that future day
I will be able to say;

My worries are over
cos God did not slumber..

Tuesday 5 February 2013



For many people, stress is so common place that it has become a way of life. We overwork ourselves, and the snap and fall ill. So then, what is STRESS?
Stress is the physical and emotional strain caused by our response to pressures from the environment. It is triggered by any event or circumstance that strains or exceeds an individual's ability to cope. Simply put, anything that put high demand on you or forces you to adjust can be stressful. Examples are work schedule, family challenges, health problems, and other life events. These sources of stress are called stressors and they vary in their effects.

When our body senses danger, real or imagined, the body's defense system prepares to ward off the perceived threat with a stress reaction known as the "fight or flight" response. This stress reaction causes the nervous system to release a flood of hormones that ruse the body for emergency action. A series of body reactions follows: heart pounds faster, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breath quickens, pupils dilate and energy level increases.

We should note the name "GAS". It is so called because our body cannot distinguish between physical and psychological threats - the stress reaction is always the same. So whether you are stressed over a busy schedule, traffic jam, or an argument, our body reacts just as strongly as if we were facing a life and death situation like encountering robbers at gun point, stepping on a live snake, etc.
It also cannot tell between positive or negative life events. So whether you are getting married, gained university admission, changing environment, birth of a new child  or the death of a loved one, failure at a promotion exam, the reaction is the same. It is a General Adaptation Syndrome - GAS!

(I can almost hear murmurings) But sure, stress in small doses is beneficial because it helps us perform under pressure. E.g saves lives in emergencies and helps us to meet challenges. But beyond a certain point, stress stops being helpful.

Long term exposure to stress leads to serious health problems and disrupts nearly every system in the body.
- It raises blood pressure
- suppresses the immune system
- Risk of heart attack and stroke
- Insomnia
- Speeds up the aging process
- Can rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety and depression

Emotional: agitation, anxiety, depression, moodiness, sense of loneliness or isolation.
Physical: Head and body aches, constipation, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, loss of sex drive, frequent colds.
Behavioural: Eating more or less, sleeping too much or too little, neglecting responsibilities, using drugs, cigarette or alcohol to relax.

Stress management is all about taking charge! Taking charge of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, environment, and the way you deal with problems. It involves changing the stressful situation when you can, changing your reaction when you cant (if traffic is stressful, avoid it when you can. When you cant, listen to music or turn on the AC). Take care of yourself and make time for rest and relaxation. the simple realization that you are in control of your life is the foundation of stress management!

Another way of managing stress is knowing your own limit. How much stress is too much differs from person to person. Some can tolerate stress at high levels while others crumble at the slightest exposure to it. It is also important to have quality relationships that constitute a strong network support in times of stress. Maintain an optimistic attitude, have a good sense of humor, possess self control have confidence and perseverance.

A healthy body and a sound mind is the key to a fulfilled life. Stay healthy today, by managing that stress!


Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it is the only thing!  - Albert Schweitzer


Its a new year again...... The euphoria and the joy that made our hearts leap at the peak of the hour heralding a fresh new start as we shouted "Happy new Year"! Well, the reality remains that time waits for no man and even as we speak, the clock is fast ticking by. Gradually, minutes accumulate into hours which make days, then weeks and then the months start counting. Invariably, it is still the same old process, and nothing has changed!

With this reality in mind, we can then decide to make the year meaningful by engaging in activities that will help us to live a life of fulfillment. Making an indelible mark on the sands of time is no mean feat and if we must do that, we must determine to help others, read books, study hard, work harder, and attend to the most important things. We should spend our time wisely, as this is the most important element we have, and cannot be extended beyond twenty four hours. I therefore urge that we eliminate time wasters, and concentrate on the important and urgent while making our time count!

Welcome to a new year, welcome to a new month!!!!!!!